Lucia Žatkuliaková
Lucia has studied Illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. As an exchange student she's been to Denmark and France.
She prefers to work with graphic tablet, felt-tip pens or acrylic paint. She likes to animate as well. Sometimes she writes her own stories.
Najkrajšie knihy Slovenska za rok 2015
Cena Slovenskej národnej knižnice za študentskú prácu
Bratislava, 2016
Finalisti Národnej ceny za dizajn
Národné centrum dizajnu
Bratislava, 2018Finalisti Národnej ceny za dizajn
Slovenské centrum dizajnu
Bratislava, Slovensko, 2020Clairvoyants Post-Competition Exhibition
Dwie Siostry Bookshop
Warsaw, Poland, 2017Tags
Galéria Medium
Bratislava, Slovakia, 2013
E-mail lucia.zatkuliakova@gmail.com
Web luciazatkuliak.com